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Learn Courses Online World's Best Instructors Professional Career Help Make learning fun with 'stc global' and jumpstart your career Learn from the masters of the field online as well as offline Get professional help for placements & other job oppotunities Global Solution for
Excellence in Quality
Third Party Independent Lean Six Sigma Certification
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COVID-19 Updates

In this crisis situation of the rapid outbreak of COVID 19, STC has made arrangements to manage its all certification assessments remotely. Now, any certification aspirant can schedule a 3rd-party certification or after course certification exam from home. While ensuring mitigation of health risks, STC has also made sure that certification process is strict and there is no chance of any…

Grow professionally with Certification

With years of experience in Six Sigma Performance Management and a continuous motivation to boost businesses towards superior performance, STC has become an internationally recognized brand that provides definitive standards, clear-cut processes and best practices for professionals, regardless of their educational background or skills.

STC Certifications are recognized as finest way of testing an aspirants knowledge, skill and competence. STC certification body believes that testing only knowledge should not be the only way to certify an individual. If the knowledge is not applied into practical field, then the certified persons competence is not tested enough.

STCs advance levels of certifications require extensive review of completed projects. Advantages of obtaining an STC Certification include global recognition, and career growth.

RTP Programs

STC R.T.P.s are organizations that we have approved to offer training in Lean, Six Sigma and Supply Chain and issue Development Units (DUs) to meet the development education requirements needed by STC credential holders. To earn the R.T.P. designation, a provider must meet or exceed rigorous standards for quality and effectiveness as defined by STC.
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Learning Solutions

STC learning solution has three formats. 1. Classroom sessions through RTPs, 2. Virtual live sessions through Zoom/Webex or other platform and 3. self paced video tutorials. Those training programs are fully aligned with STC Body of Knowledge (BOK) of respective certification.
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Instructor Development Program

If you are STC certified practitioner, then you can apply to become and independent instructor to serve in your local community. You can claim your hours spent on sharing learning as DU.

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Network with six sigma professional

STC has its own chapters in different geographic locations so that you can connect with  other professionals of same interest.

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STC at a Glance

Certificate Code

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